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Commercial line

Dacia high school and Onisifor Ghibu high school

When we founded ATREA Romania some people were skeptical. We however believed in this market and found hardworking people with good spirit. We are proud of our team that built through hard work, proper management and good team spirit working business in this beautiful country. One of Romanian successful projects was Dacia high school and Onisifor Ghibu high school where we achieved to place more than 120 DUPLEX Multi air-handling units. Our quality, unrivalled compactness together with great variability of our DUPLEX Multi series helped in negotiation against our respected competitors. Thanks to our Romanian team and good luck with ongoing projects! Greetings from all your colleagues.-)

Dacia high school and Onisifor Ghibu high school #1
Dacia high school and Onisifor Ghibu high school #2

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