In 2020, in a deep crisis caused by the Corona Virus, ATREA decided to
devote its efforts more to supporting programs so that the success of an
internationally active company helps to support local health, social
and educational projects and also own employees in case of difficult
life situations.
We believe business should care about other people.

AI Days at the Liberec Library
As sponsors of the Regional Scientific Library in Liberec, Czech Republic, we supported a project aimed at educating teachers in AI.
Around 80 teachers from elementary, secondary, and higher education participated, attending workshops based on their interests. We are delighted with the high level of interest, as AI is a crucial topic, especially in education.

Lecture about domestic violence
We would like to say a big thank you to all ladies who attended Tuesday's lecture on domestic violence at Atrea. Your presence is not only of great importance to us as we see interest from other employers, but more importantly it is crucial to all victims who are suffering with, have suffered or know someone for whom domestic violence is an ongoing issue. It is no exaggeration to say that your actions to support the fight against this problem could save lives. After all, tens of women are murdered every year in relation to this issue in the Czech Republic!
A big thank you to the great PhDr. Branislava Marvánová Vargová, who gave an engaging presentation. Let us also thank to the organization ROSA, which has been fighting domestic violence in its various forms for several decades.
Thank you!

ATREA supports zero tolerance of domestic violence
We actively assist our employees in times of need. We were one of the first to sign the Charter against Domestic Violence.

We're delivering rescue vehicles to Ukrainian defenders
This time we would like to thank AEROTEC company, who contacted us and offered their products that extend the lifespan of engines in extremely tough conditions.
Thank you and thanks from the Ukrainian heroes! We are now delivering the 4th car, and preparing the 5th. These cars are saving lives in very difficult terrain and their speed and reliability in extremely adverse conditions make the difference between life and death. This is where AEROTEC's products will help the defenders on the front line.
Thank you!

The Heart of Europe for Ukraine
Join us to save lives in Ukraine
There is a fatal shortage of off-road vehicles in Ukraine that can save frontline defenders. In partnership with Post Bellum, we have created a project to buy and then deliver rescue vehicles to the frontline.
Let's work together to save the lives of defenders.Tents for children's summer camp
Although autumn is in full swing, we would like to look back on the warm and sunny days of summer.
We supported the purchase of tents for a children's camp for children from troubled families, run by the non-profit organization AMINA.

Summer camp for children from the children's home
There is nothing in the world more beautiful than a child's joy.
That's why we decided to support the children's home in Frýdlant for the umpteenth time and paid for the summer camps they chose.
We hope that the children enjoyed the camps very much, but judging by the photos it was a summer full of unforgettable experiences.

Support for Linda
We enjoy supporting a good cause. In this case we supported a young lady Linda, who has health limitations but is very talented in music and plays several instruments. We helped the single mom with our little bit towards a much needed car.
If you want, you can contribute too.Laminating machine for disabled children´s school
Once again we supported the Zborovská primary school in Turnov. We bought them a laminating machine, which will be used primarily by disabled children, because they use a lot of paper tools in their lessons, so thanks to the possibility of laminating it will at least last longer.

We support doctors, nurses and patients in hospitals
This time we supported the demanding work of a team of doctors and nurses at the child psychiatric ward in Liberec.
We bought SodaStream with several juice flavours, a large supply of coffee and sports equipment for the children. We did our best to support both the staff and the children themselves.

ATREA foundation against domestic violence!
Over the past 22 years, 249 women have been murdered by their partners in the Czech Republic. Last year 23 women and 8 children were murdered, this year 11. Domestic violence is one of the most disgusting features of society and one of the most pervasive problems in Europe! In the EU, one in three women was a victim of psychological or physical violence!
That is why, as part of the ATREA Foundation, we have equipped a shelter centre where women with children hide from abusers. We bought bedding, kitchen equipment and basic appliances so that women and children could rest safely. See more at https://www.rosacentrum.cz/

A car that saves lives
ATREA Foundation has supported the soldiers defending free Ukraine against Russian war aggression.
We announced a company fundraiser and we have bought and delivered a rescue car that is saving lives.
Fellow business players – let´s not turn our faces away from the atrocities committed by the Russians!
Support a free Ukraine!
Developing skills of Ukrainian children
ATREA foundation is supporting with its bit children from Ukraine that found shelter in our country. Far from Russian crimes these kids are developing their skills. We hope to listen to them sometime playing in peacetime and redeveloped Ukraine.

200 trauma kits for the front-line combatants
These Ukrainian brave men are protecting their families from the Russian war aggressors. We have delivered 200 trauma kits for the front-line combatants. We want to thank them. Small drop but we hope it will help. United civilization must protect against barbarians.
Professional first aid kits intended for tactical medicine
Putin has declared war against the West, against all of us. We are pleased that on the very day when the Russian war aggressor has declared a partial mobilization and is thus further escalating its war crimes against Ukraine, we, on behalf of our Atrea Foundation, are handing over to the Ukrainian side medical supplies for emergency medical aid worth a total of EUR 8.300,-. These are specifically professional first aid kits intended for tactical medicine. We thank all the Ukrainian women and men who are fighting for the freedom of Europe against the war aggressor. Shame on fascist Russia! Slava Ukrayini!

Happy birthday Lera
Lera is from Vinnytsia, Ukraine, and last week was her 11th birthday. She is far from home and misses her loved ones, her grandmother, her friends. And most of all for her father, who died this March. She used to get a present from her dad every year. We are glad that we could provide her with one small gift as part of our ATREA Foundation. She will learn better with this tool and will hopefully go better through the time of the criminal war ravaging her beautiful country. Each small joy counts these days.
Support for refugees from Ukraine
We have obtained a request from Russia. We were surprised. To do business in days when Russians are killing children and civilians? For us this is no go zone! The Kremlin regime has brought shame on Russians for decades. On the contrary, we at ATREA are doing our small best to support the Ukrainian refugees – mainly mothers with children fleeing from Russian atrocities - and we announced a company gathering to support refugees. Our company foundation then doubled any contribution from our colleagues and friends. In cooperation with the Liberec Region, we then equipped three facilities for war refugees - mainly mothers with children and the elderly, for a total of 15.000,- EUR. Thus, we at the ATREA foundation followed up the bedding we had already supplied with additional equipment, namely washing machines, stoves, dryers, refrigerators, and wardrobes. The kids and mothers are safe here in our region. Shame on Russia! Slava Ukrayini!

ATREA opened a transparent account for Ukraine
ATREA opened a transparent account for Ukraine: the Czech Republic is a leader on having of a tough stance against Russia. The wave of solidarity is impressive, we are helping with weapons, bulletproof vests, and other military supplies to Ukraine. The public is also helping by sharing flats, giving clothes, medical supplies, and solidarity with mainly mothers and kids fleeing from Russian atrocities.
Let us announce that the ATREA foundation has opened a transparent account for help for Ukrainians in our region. If anybody of our friends, close partners or clients wants to do their bit with us, your contribution will be doubled from ATREA sources and we will make sure your money reaches concrete people, mainly kids with mums. We are involved personally and coordinate all with the refugee centre in our town and local authorities. Shame on Russia! Slava Ukrayini!

Help for fugitive mothers with small children from Ukraine
The Russian aggressors is murdering kids, civilians, the elderly and trying to destroy Ukraine. The Kremlin as a fascist system is changing its state into a new North Korea, into one big Orwell cult turning their population into slaves or hostages. The era after 1989 is over and our civilisation is being tested as to whether we can resist, support, fight back. What can we do in our own private lives? We at ATREA have decided to support with what we can and help the fugitive mothers with small children as a matter of compassion. We have bought 200 blankets, bed sheets, pillows and all needed (one full truck) for the newly prepared refugee centre in Liberec so that exhausted mums and their small kids can sleep safely. We have joined forces – we at Atrea, cooperative people in Jysk shops, where we found lacking goods during these days of war, local county staff, all trying to make our small effort for the people in need. Shame on Russia! Slava Ukrayini!

Slava Ukrayini
There is no "business as usual". There is a war in Europe. Have you supported your Ukrainian colleagues or people? We have. Will you support them more? We will. Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam slava!

Support for soldier Stanislav
ATREA foundation has supported a soldier Stanislav that remained tetraplegic after an unfortunate jump into the shallow water. Stanislav however hasn´t given up and remains fighting. We are supporting him in getting a new special wheelchair enabling him to get to physiotherapy and the gym. He´ll be happy for any support possibly also from you!

We don't just think about business
At ATREA, we believe that we should care not only about the business and high-quality products, not only to be successful and dynamically grow in all our markets. But we should also be socially responsible to our home country, region and support those who have gone their path before us so that we could continue. This is why we again supported with 100.000,- CZK the great team of Hospice of sv. Zdislava where extraordinary team of professionals help people until the very last moments and provide excellent palliative care. Great and deep respect to their work! Join us and help us to help.

Help for Moravia
As Moravia – part of the Czech Republic – was hit by a tornado this summer, the ATREA foundation joined the public fund raiser for the reconstruction of an elementary school in a small Moravian village organised by Jablonec nad Nisou – the town of our location. We helped with EUR 2,000 and we are continuing with our effort in other healthcare, social and educational projects.

ATREA foundation has the honor to help a bit Tomasek
This cute little boy was a far lighter patient than his fellow kids and was born too early. Tomasek needs a lot of effort in a great variety of treatments and special support programmes to be able to play light-heartedly with other kids. We wish him all the best and are happy to support him a bit on his more difficult path.

Support for often hidden or forgotten heroes
The covid situation hit the Czech Republic very hard. The Atrea foundation wanted to support often hidden or forgotten heroes – emergency crews, ambulance drivers and telephone operators saving lives every day, literally every hour. We asked what they would appreciate and they just said – quick food. They were too busy and too exhausted to want more. Respect for their work!! We bought as much energy in biscuits, juices, coffees, energy bars, protein bars, etc. as we could and added coffee mugs so that they could keep the energy also in the future. Thanks to these true heroes!

Merci, merci to all medical staff
Merci, merci to all medical staff, to all doctors, rescue workers, ambulance drivers and of course to all nurses. Our country is going to the limit – but these heroes are doing far more..! People are bringing food, sweets and even home made cookies to show we can see their abslute effort.. we also wanted to join in. We brought our bit to relieve the burden.. Respect to all medical staff in these demanding days!

Help for children
Difficult days are here for many people in our country. But we did not want to resign from also helping others. The child psychiatric ward our local hospital has children that were in need of some fitness equipment. Sport is an important means of helping them live in the present, release stress and simply have fun. We met there dedicated and very nice staff members that do their amazing work, and so we donated some of the fitness equipment, boxing gloves and table tennis equipage. Thank you for staying with us, help us to help – or even better – join us to help.-)