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DUPLEX RDH5-L uređaji namijenjeni su za ventilaciju vlažnih područja s manjim bazenima i spa zonama. Zahvaljujući inovativnom rješenju temeljenom na dovoljnoj ventilaciji s povratom topline, dodatna cirkulacija i grijanje mogu osigurati odgovarajuću okolinu bez potrebe za ugradnjom vanjskog odvlaživača zraka. Dakle, ovaj uređaj ekonomski je isplativ te predstavlja potpuno funkcionalno rješenje za ventilaciju takvih prostorija.

Tehnički katalog DUPLEX RDH5-L

The DUPLEX RDH5-L air handling unit consists of a circulation and exhaust EC fan, counterflow heat recovery exchanger, circulation and by-pass damper with actuators, hot water heater, fresh supply and exhaust air pre-filter made of expanded metal and circulation filter with filtration class G4. The unit also includes a condensate drain trap. A built-in digital control module, including integrated TA, Ti2 temperature sensors and fan control, ensures a balance between supply and extract air in all operating modes of the unit. Included are an outdoor temperature sensor (to be mounted on the outside wall of the house) and an indoor temperature sensor (to be mounted in the pool hall). The outdoor sensor is connected to the unit, the indoor sensor to the CP-Touch controller or to the unit when implemented without a controller.

The unit is made entirely of painted parts with resistance to pool chemicals, including saltwater pools. The corrosion resistance in saltwater environments complies with ISO 9227 NSS for a 480-hour test.

It is recommended to connect an optional relative humidity sensor in the pool hall area. The standard control module is equipped with a built-in webserver for the possibility of control via the internet, without the need to install a controller or possible remote access for setup or service.

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